Complete Healthcare Coverage
Now Available Through the Chamber!

Complete Healthcare Coverage
We are partnerning with MyHealily to bring the members of Union Township Chamber of Commerce affordable healthcare options like never before!
Easy To Enroll
Our benefits advisors provide WOW customer service and are here to guide you through our paper-free enrollment process. With hundreds of options to choose from, we want you to feel confidently knowledgeable about your decision.
Part-time & Seasonal Workers
If you employ part-time or seasonal workers, there are many affordable plan options for you to offer them. The employer does not have to contribute towards some of these products, which include full ACA compliant healthcare medical coverage.
Cost Savings Tools
All healthcare coverage options through MyHealthily are bundles with Prosper Benefits. This amazing suite of non-insurance benefits (like telehealth) helps keep healthcare coverage cost at a minimum while providing access to more healthcare benefits.
Learn how we enable agents and brokers to offer healthcare benefits to small groups
- Streamlined Enrollment
- WOW Customer Service
- Trusted Advisors

Using a customer-centric platform you can shop online for your preferred deductible, provider network or effective date.<a “href=”https:chambersofnjhealthcare.com” _blank”target=_blank”> Chambers of NJ Healthcare has a plan for every member’s needs.

The at Chambers of NJ Healthcare or can be purchased asa stand-alone benefit.enables members to take control of their healthcare costs. Bundled with the coverage at no additional cost, is Prosper Benefits, a suite of non-insurance benefits to help yu through the year. This suite is included in every plan or can be purchased as a stand-alone benefit.

Even if you are not obtaining coverage through Chambers of NJ you can save on prescriptions through Clever Rx Savings of up to 80% is available for your entire family, including pets!