Member Bill of Rights

As a Chamber Member,

You are entitled to be treated like a real, individual, feeling human being with friendliness, honesty, professionalism and respect.

You are entitled to full value for your money. When you join our organization you should feel assured that it is a good value and that your membership is as exactly as it is represented to be.

You are entitled to complete satisfaction.

You are entitled to expect on-time communication of any activities and events that may affect your business either positively or negatively.

You are entitled to courteous, knowledgeable answers to inquiries. You are entitled to all the help we can give you to make your business grow.

You are entitled to have your phone calls answered promptly, in a friendly, personable, professional manner. You are entitled to have your call put through without delay.

It is your right to be treated in exactly the same fashion that you treat your customers.
